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3 thoughts on “Contacte-nos

  1. marco iladanza says:

    “Hi there,

    I am just following up to check if you got some time to have a look at my previous email.

    I’m reaching out to you to distract the view towards the guest post on your site

    We request you to publish the paid guest content on your site where we will provide you with high quality
    content that will be relevant to your site with a favour to link to our sports betting /casino site using backlink.

    We look forward to your response with the charges that apply for the service.

    If not interested in sports betting/casino sites we accept general links also.

    Note: In case you have more sites to offer, please send those as well along with the prices.

    With regards”

  2. Paul H Spencer says:

    Premium High-quality guest post request

    I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about the possibility of
    submitting a guest post on your website

    I am interested in contributing to your website and sharing my expertise in the form
    of a well-researched and informative article.

    I specialize in writing on gambling niches, and I am confident that my content will add
    value to your website’s readers. If you are open to accepting gambling-related content,
    please let me know what your rates are for a paid guest post.

    However, if gambling-related content is not acceptable, I am also open to submitting a
    general niche. In this case, I would like to know your rates for a paid guest post in general.

    Note: If you have more sites to offer please mention them with relevant prices.
    Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Best regards,”

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